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Open Mic Nights

resuming in the fall


Our monthly open mic nights are much anticipated. We always have a fantastic featured reader to open the event and then the mic is open to anyone who wants to participate. It's a chance to share your work, hear what peers have been working on, and make connections with faculty and fellow students in the English program. Anyone is welcome! You don't need to be an English major to participate. It's a very relaxed and encouraging environment, and it's a great way to ease into sharing your work publicly; a rite of passage for any writer.  Please join us!




Writing Workshop Group

Wednesdays 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This is a new student-run writing workshop. We welcome current NKU students from all programs. People can bring in a writing piece of theirs to read and talk about. Meetings are every Wednesday night at 6pm at the Cold Spring Panara.

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